The show follows Steven as he navigates his half-gem identity, learns more about the mysterious gem-homeworld, and goes on Earth-saving adventures!īefore the series begins, we learn that Steven’s mother (Rose Quartz, his gem parent) is no longer around so he is raised by three characters known as the Crystal Gems: Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst. There’s a lot more to it, but gems are essentially aliens with superpowers named for gemstones. The show’s creator, Rebecca Sugar, is Cartoon Network’s first female showrunner and an out and proud queer lady! In Steven Universe, Sugar transports us to the quirky queer world of Beach City, populated by futuristic characters known as “gems,” who are genderless, and Steven, who is half-gem, half-human boy.
Steven Universe might be a children’s cartoon on Cartoon Network, but it is oh so much more.If you don’t already watch it, you absolutely should.More importantly, you should watch it with your kid(s). Its premise is endlessly creative, the art beautifully rendered, the stories superbly queer, and it is primarily made for kids (10+). Let me tell you about the best show on television.